Yes, you can make money online during lockdown period by doing simple works from your home. Many peoples are doing this work from their homes this work is very easy to do.You did't need any additional course to do this work from your home.
What I need to earn money online ?
You only need-
1. A Smartphone/computer,laptop.
2. A well Internet connection.
3. An account to get your income.
That's All
Where i can earn money online ?
You can earn money online at-
1. On Youtube-
Youtube is a best platform to earn money from your home by uploding videos on it. Youtube is a platform of Google. Where you need to upload you videos, when your channal on youtube cross his first 1k subscribers and 4000 hours watchtime you will be able to make money by these videos.
2. On Blogger-
You can make money on blogger from your home. Blooger is also a part of Google. Where you can earn money by writing articles on it.There are no crateria to monatige your blog. Your blog gets monatige by Google Adsense and you will be able to make money online from your home.
There are many more places where you can earn money online but these two are main.
Watch this video for more information
Is i need any external experience to work online ?
No,You only be a readable or writeable person to make money online from your home.